
Kids in the classroom

Student safety is paramount at Shreve Island. During school hours all gates are kept locked, and entrance is restricted to the front door where the secretary must buzz any visitors in. All visitors are required to present ID in the office to get a visitor badge.  All visitors are screened in our Raptor Visitor Management System before cleared to visit. In addition, a thorough network of security cameras provides an additional level of accountability.

Procedures and protocols are in place and drills are practiced regularly to familiarize the students with how to respond in case of emergency. We follow district guidelines with respect to fire, tornado, and lock-down drills. 

School Liaison Officer on Duty

Corporal Clinton Grigsby

We are proud to have Corporal Clinton Grigsby of the Shreveport Police Department serve on our campus during the school day. He handles everything from carpool to patrolling recess, cafeteria and the hallways. We all feel secure with Officer Grigsby on campus. He is also great with the kids!

Raptor Visitor Management

Raptor Visitor Management System

Raptor Technologies Visitor Management System is the nation's leading provider of school safety technologies. This visitor tracking system provides instant screening for registered sex offenders, custodial alerts, silent alarms and other custom and emergency notifications as needed by school administration. Over 16,000 campuses across the U.S. trust Raptor to keep their students safe.

On their initial visit, every visitor is required to present ID to be scanned into the system.  For subsequent visits, they must simply show ID as their information is in the system.  Raptor instantly checks each visitor's identify against constantly updated national sex offender lists. School administration can also enter custom alerts as needed for custodial or other issues.  The system then prints a detailed photo badge which must be worn visibly while on campus. Using Raptor, we are able to keep track of all visitors who are on campus at any given time.  Click here and here to learn more about how Raptor works.

Online Safety

As part of a school environment that uses technology integration as part of our curriculum, our children learn digital citizenship at an early age and how to protect themselves and others online. We teach our students:​

  • to protect private information

  • to treat others with respect online just as they would in person

  • the distinction between “friends” in a world driven by social media 

  • the ramifications of social media at an age-appropriate level

Internet Filtering

We also maintain diligence in ensuring that the school and district's content filters are working properly to ensure that no inappropriate content can be accessed.  In addition, the Chromebooks provided for students in grades 3 - 5 are set up requiring them to sign into their school Google account in order to access any program or internet access. This provides absolute accountability for all activity while they are online under their own name. All activity is monitored and recorded by Caddo IT Department and inappropriate or concerning searches will trigger alerts to administration.